What Is Included...

WP Plugin

Easy to install & use Wordpress plugin. Get started right away, and start creating viral offline coupons...

Easily Create Offline Printable Coupons

Create coupons you can print to give to offline customers with a QR code to share the coupon on facebook...

QR Ready Coupon Code System

Easily allow your clients customer to share the coupons with a easy QR code they can scan and share the coupon in seconds...

Mobile Landing Page

Easily create a mobile landing page where you can reveal a coupon code once they share the coupon on facebook...

Facebook Share Reveal New Coupon Code

You can grow your clients facebook fan page likes by allowing their customers to share their FB page to reveal a better coupon code! Straight from their mobile phone!

HTML Mobile Site OR Image Only Mobile Site

You can create a nice html mobile site, or a have more freedom to create a graphic coupon mobile page & graphic mobile reveal coupon...

Mobile Site View Tracking & Facebook Share Stats

You will be able to see how many times your mobile coupon page was viewed and how many people shared the coupon!

Helpful Tutorial Guides

Get started right away, and read our helpful tutorial guide on how setup a Facebook app to connect with your WP plugin!


Yes, just for the low price of $9, you can also get Developers license! You can use this for as many projects as you want. Unlimited domains!

Best Regards,

Ken Sar

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